Pizza frezy.Pizza Frenzy

Pizza frezy

Ratings & Reviews.Pizza Frenzy - Download

Download Pizza Frenzy. Prepare multiple types of pizza in a time limit to keep customers happy. Virus Free. Pizza Frenzy is available for users with the operating system Windows 98 and prior versions, and it is available in English. Its current version is Trial and it has been updated on 6/18/ Pizza Frenzy is a game that takes up less space than most games in the section PC games. It's very heavily used in Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia. Pizza Frenzy is a wacky action puzzler that puts you in charge of your own pizza delivery empire! Reflexes and quick thinking are required to juggle all the orders. This fast-paced game will keep your mouse clicking with rewarding action and pattern matching.9/10(76).

Pizza frezy.Pizza Frenzy Download | GameFabrique

Nov 20,  · Pizza Frenzy. Talk about a cheesy game. It's your job to deliver pizzas around town in a timely manner. The better you do, the more tips you'll get. Pizza Frenzy features: 3 game modes; Unlockable toppings; 12 environments/5(). Pizza Frenzy is a wacky action puzzler that puts you in charge of your own pizza delivery empire! Reflexes and quick thinking are required to juggle all the orders. This fast-paced game will keep your mouse clicking with rewarding action and pattern matching.9/10(76). Download Pizza Frenzy. Prepare multiple types of pizza in a time limit to keep customers happy. Virus Free.

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Pizza Frenzy is a wacky action puzzler that puts you in charge of your own pizza delivery empire! Reflexes and quick thinking are required to juggle all the orders.

This fast-paced game will keep your mouse clicking with rewarding action and pattern matching. Take advantage of your bird's eye view of the city to keep a lookout for hungry customers. Match incoming orders with your pizza kitchens to deliver your pies fresh and on time. Work fast to avoid missing orders! If you miss too many, your customer satisfaction will plummet.

If it gets too low, Game Over! Download size: 6. Average Rating: Ratings. Can't remember the email address you signed up with, contact Customer Service. Please wait until your current game finishes downloading or you can cancel any of the following downloads and your game will be added to the queue. This action will take you to an older version of the iWin. If you prefer to stay on this version of the website, with the latest Games Manager, we do not recommend proceeding.

Click the Blue Arrow on the top right corner of your browser window to find your game download. Click on the game.

Click on the download. Your first month is , then pay just. Pizza Frenzy Average Rating Rate this game Thank you for submitting your review, your feedback is always appreciated. Tags Arcade. Publisher GameHouse. Play Unlimited Join All Access. Game Description Pizza Frenzy is a wacky action puzzler that puts you in charge of your own pizza delivery empire! Most Recent Reviews Rate this game No user reviews exist yet for this game. Play now and be the first to let us know what you think!

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